Location: Netherlands
Contact: info@expetvets.com
Our services

Health Checks
A qualified veterinarian will perform a full health examination to make sure your animal is capable of traveling in a healthy state. If your pet is healthy, we will give you a health certificate which often is needed for transport.

To prevent disease spreading, it is mandatory to vaccinate your pet before travel. ExPet Vets can advise and administer vaccinations that are required to the final destination, for example against Rabies, Canine Parvovirus and Feline Calicivirus.

Internal & External Parasite Treatment
Most of the countries require a treatment against parasites before travel. ExPet Vets can provide a treatment plan against internal parasites like roundworm, heartworm and tapeworm, as well as external parasites like mites, ticks and fleas, according to the mandatory rules of the country of destination.

Preparation of Veterinarian Documents
To travel internationally, animals require a health certificate as well as an export document.
On top of that we will make sure that your animal's passport is completely up-to-date. The health certificate can be provided by one of our qualified veterinarians after a thorough health and document check. The certificate states that your pet has been found free of communicable diseases or parasites, as of the day the certificate is issued, and gives an overview of the current vaccine status and parasitic treatments.
The health certificate must be legalized by a state veterinarian at the NVWA, who will also provide the export document if needed. ExPet Vets can assist in this process as well.

Rabies Antibody Titre Test
Some rabies-free countries require that your pet is administered with the rabies vaccine as well as an official document that proves your pet has been sufficiently immunized against rabies. Our experienced vets can draw blood from your animal and send the blood samples to a qualified laboratory that will run a rabies titre test and provide you with an authorized document with the value of the rabies neutralizing titre.

Microchipping and Registration
ExPet Vets can chip your animal with a microchip that has been approved by the International Standards Organization (ISO) and register your animal in an international database.This global standard microchip carries an identification system that can be read worldwide. Pets are not allowed to travel internationally without an identification microchip that has been registered.

Travel Advice
Because every pet is different, the veterinary team can provide personalized support on how to prepare your pet for its big journey. We will assist in planning the complete process, discuss training methods to reduce anxiety during the relocation, and provide supplements if needed. On top of that we will share some tips and tricks for your pets’ arrival at the final destination.